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Poems 19 & 20 for NaPoWriMo

A little bit late because the end of the semester is kicking my butt, but I am determined to see National Poetry Month Writing through.

April 19th:

take care of yourself today, for me,

eat three square meals

or maybe six circle meals,

take a walk outside

or a walk around your room

noticing something new and beautiful:

the way the sun plunges in through the window

or the way your plant reaches up to meet it,

do something you love:

read or bake or play a game,

talk to someone other than your reflection,

even if it is just a pet,

clean your dishes, your laundry,

or your teeth,

and when the sky darkens:

burrow into bed early

and take care of yourself tomorrow

The prompt for this poem was to start with a command.

April 20th:

you buy me from the store -

my verdant dress appealing,

you place me in a throne

with a clear view of your kitchen,

I pass the hours with a fashion show

green dress, yellow blouse,

a particularly daring pair

of brown spotted pants -

my final attempt to attract

your attention, but you throw

me away, without even peeling

The prompt for this poem was to personify a food you have some strong feelings about.

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