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Poems 15 & 16 for NaPoWriMo

Halfway through National Poetry Writing Month already! This is my 8th small batch of poems, both sort of space themed.

April 15th:

a family gathered

around a flickering fire,

the elder describes a vision

of the star’s explosion

and the planet’s fiery death;

the young child shudders

from terror and chill;

she goes about her future days

fearing the coming world ablaze

This poem is inspired by the prompt "childhood fears" from my creative writing club. I overheard family members talking about the sun eventually exploding, but didn't understand that it would be in billions of years. I was scared for years of a fiery end.

April 16th:

in this universe, are we alone?

we seem to be, from what we try,

a hope in others is perhaps naïve;

our earth, our throne, a small stone

hurtling through an empty sky,

in our isolation we grieve;

stars and planets and comets ring,

the galaxies weave and unweave,

their patterns sewn in a lullaby

and we can hear them sing

and I want to believe

The prompt for this poem was to utilize the Curtal Sonnet form. I don't normal write with rhymes, so this was an interesting exercise.

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