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My Modern Ekphrastic Poetry

I recently participated in some writing workshops. One focused on morbid poetry - poetry that connects nature, death, and pop culture to say something about our world. Another focused on modern ekphrastic poetry - poetry written about movies, TV shows, music videos, and video games. Being the nerd that I am, both poems ended up being about Legend of Zelda. I have also created some magnetic poetry poems about Legend of Zelda on my apartment fridge, so I decided to post the whole collection together.

Sunrise in the Sky

the sun rises

over the sea

that has tried to drown

him many times;

the sky painted

with a pallet of

yellows, blues, greens,

as his breath

puffs in little clouds

in the cold of dawn

at the top of the icy mountain

in the distance,

a column of pale yellow light

flickers in the rising sun,

he runs and


off the mountain

into the cloudy sky,

wind ruffling his hair

and his glider,

as he soars to the fallen star,

leaving behind

fleeting memories

of pain

Symphony of Reveal

storm and the ship

swim to rock

summer with a girl

sweat and blood

trudge up to

the egg of the sky

a symphony of reveal

it was all

a bitter dream

Lonely World

I set off on my own

in the silent world -

on purpose,

I tell myself,

for self-fulfillment -

but really to hide

from others and

their big emotions,

to hide

my emotions from others

the world is big,

it seems empty at first,

but I come to recognize

the flowers

the small periwinkle flowers

dotting the grass,

the pink blooming stalks

denoting coming fruit,

the white lilies

dancing in the breeze

the animals

the dragonflies and butterflies

floating on the wind,

the fox and bunnies

freezing at the sound of my feet,

the songbirds

soaring into the sky

the ruins

the crumbling stone towers,

reaching for the ground instead of the sky

the decaying wooden wagons,

resting on the sides of roads

the flooded villages

waiting to be a home again

as my companions

in my journey

Sky and Earth

soar through the sky -

wild wind -

wander to the earth,

swim in the forest,

walk up the red mountain,

behold the withered sea,

run through the secret soul world,

beat the mean tongue man,

play the sacred songs,

worship lonely sky goddess,

ancient bloody cycle


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