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A poem I wrote for my creative writing club, incorporating all three prompts: water, ghost story, and what makes me laugh. While dams are dangerous, It's hard not to laugh at the little stick figure who looks to be kart-wheeling in the water.

pastel yellows, pinks, blues

reflect in the still water

bordered by gray slabs,

as the sun rises over

the river and the dam

and the sign that says





Can Trap And



all seems calm, as

the dew-covered rocks

slowly dry in the sun;

little white flowers

and tall green grasses

wave in the wind

that vultures glide upon,

calling to each other;

these birds belong here -

to feast on drying fish

who get stuck in

shrinking pools of water;

you don’t belong here -

at least,

your body doesn’t -

pale, cold skin,

wet, tangled hair,

and blood on

the large rocks

looming under the dam;

your body doesn’t belong here -

the vultures will take care of that -

eating the stinking flesh,

leaving pretty little white stones

for others to stumble upon;

but your spirit? -

that belongs here -

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