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A poem I wrote while bored in a Zoom class.

how could I describe

the color of today's sky

to you?

the particular

shade of blue I see

as I gaze out my window,

maybe the color

of the tiles on the side of

the pool while you splashed

with your neighbors

on a summer day -

maybe the color

of the finger paint

you used in kindergarten,

a shade of blue

that seemed

unrealistic for the

ocean or the sky

at the time.

it is bright and deep

at the same time.

color so consistent

it is as if someone

spilled a can of paint

across the sky

not a cloud in sight.

the bright green of leaves -

not yet changing, even though

fall is coming -

contrasting with the blue.

how would I know if

I described the color well to you?

that you could imagine

what I am seeing?

that we see the same blue?

does it matter?

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