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Artober 2021

I did Artober this month, based off my own prompts!

I was really bus this month, so I was frequently days behind on my doodles, but I decided to still do them even if it was late a few days, because practice is good no matter when it happens. I used a variety of mediums this time. Sometimes they were just quick doodles, but sometimes I put more time and effort into the art for the day.

I used brush tip pens for a lot of my drawings above. Sometimes I just used whatever coloring supplies I had on hand, like the ones below.

I also did a couple doodles with ink, one with paint, and one in OneNote during class.

This is the fourth monthly creative challenge I've participated in. While this month it sometimes added to my stress, it was still nice to have the extra motivation to try to be creative everyday. Making art is a great way to destress, and Artober gave me a reason to make time to destress.

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